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SLO's » Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes


Schoolwide Behavior Expectations


Contribute your time and talents to improve the quality of life for others, value diversity, and challenge biases

  • How? Mutual respect between staff and students
  • Looks Like: Building positive relationships between teachers, staff, and students, participating in campus clubs and activities
  • Sounds Like: Being purposeful and mindful about the words you choose, advocating for yourself and others


Hold yourself accountable for your intellectual development

  • How? Work ethic, time management, attendance, class preparedness, communication with teachers, understanding mastery grading, tracking academic progress
  • Looks Like: Completing work on time, attending tutoring, taking failure as a learning opportunity, checking Schoology & meeting with counselors 
  • Sounds Like: Seek clarification and assistance, advocating for your academic needs


Be proactive about your social-emotional and physical health

  • How? Develop confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth, take positive risks, engage in positive relationships, and explore opportunities for self-care
  • Looks Like: Leaning on others for support, getting familiar with campus resources, attending counseling or therapy, participating in athletics and clubs
  • Sounds Like: Growth mindset statements, asking for help, self-affirming statements, “I feel…”