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Mr. J. Diaz » Mr. Diaz

Mr. Diaz

Create your Google Drive ELA Portfolio
Please follow the steps to create your ELA Portfolio in your school Google Drive account.
1. Go to or click here to open your LAUSD Google Drive.
2. Enter your LAUSD e-mail address and password to sign in.
3. In the top left corner, click on the button that says "New."
4. Click on the "folder" button to create a new folder.
5.Title the folder with your last name then your first name followed by "- ELA 11."
6. Now you will be able to see your ELA folder when you open your Google Drive account.
7. Click on the folder and click the "share" button to share with  Mr. Diaz.
8. Share your folder with  Mr. Diaz by typing his email addresses and clicking "send."
Congratulations! You just created your Google Drive ELA Portfolio. Now you can automatically share your assignments by creating the documents in this folder.